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Mostrando Ocurrencias para: red mangrove

laulau pronunciación

I. N

1. plant mangrove
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Laulau lakuun skleera su yaapuni. Laulau kiit kaalba.
    The red mangrove grows on the lagoon edge. The mangrove has plenty root.
  • Wairu laulau tupki inguri yuungi.
    The wairu crab puts its hole under the mangrove root.


2. plant red mangrove

Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Laulau lakuun skleera su yaapuni. Laulau kiit kaalba.
    The red mangrove grows on the lagoon edge. The mangrove has plenty root.


  • Gramatical:
    Reduplication. By default, it refers to the red mangrove.
  • Léxica:
    Borrowed from Miskitu laulu.

laulau saala

I. N

1. plant red mangrove
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Laulau kat saala su yuknaatingsu, kalma yimpau. sasaisba tingatkulu.
    I sat down on a red mangrove and it dyed my clothes. It turned it all pink.




  • Léxica:
    Borrowed from Miskitu laulu.